Tuesday, April 23, 2013

German Homeschool Family Prosecuted by U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Blog: Homeland Security Prosecutes German Homeschool Family

In Germany,  homeschooling is considered a crime.  A German family who sought asylum within the U.S., initially received it.
Then, the Department of Homeland Security overruled a federal judge's decision.
Read more,  in the article above.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

South Dakota's Governor Signs Law Allowing Teachers To Arm Themselves

Guns In Classrooms: South Dakota Governor Signs Law Allowing Teachers To Arm Themselves http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/08/south-dakota-guns-classrooms-governor-law_n_2838129.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Autism Awareness Month: Father Song by Dez Childs

April is Autism Awareness Month. Hear this heart-felt song called the "Father Song" by Dez Childs. She made the song to share some of the challenges faced by families with children who have autism.

My personal relation to this song;  I have a child, who is now a teen, who was diagnosed, at the age of 3, with autism. We have been through so many ups and downs, ever since. But I can say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, G-d has been so gracious and so merciful. We have seen Him work so many wonders in our son's life. Sometimes we don't receive miracles, but we always receive the Love and Care, we need, from a Loving and Faithful Heavenly Father. I truly know that He will never put more on us, than we can bear.

I hope this song will bless you, and give you inspiration. As more and more children are diagnosed with autism, I also join Dez Childs, in prayer to the Father, for them and their families, and others who are in their lives; for you all.

Are you a family touched by autism? Please feel free to share your questions or comments about autism, your struggles, your victories, whatever you like.

YHVH bless you in your education endeavors. Thanks always for visiting. Your comments or questions are welcome. You may post them below.

Christ Our Passover

This week, millions will be celebrating Passover. Many will say, 'oh Passover, that Jewish holy day'. Well, what if I told you that...