Welcome to the Kim Family blog spot. We are children of King YHVH and His Messiah, Y'shua. We want to share our homeschooling ventures,joys,challenges,and tips with you. And we invite you to join our site and do the same. Thanks for blogging with us.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Christians: Do You REALLY Know What You Are Saying When You Say, 'Merry Christmas'
I know that "Christmas" is over, but I felt compelled to share this post with you. I have recently done a post, and YouTube presentation on, Christmas; the True Meaning of, and December 25th is not our Lord Jesus' Birthday.
We have learned that Satan, our adversary, has deceived/duped us into idolatry, but, now it is even worse. Satan is the epitome of evil, and he hates everything good; everything God. Therefore, the next sentence should not be hard for you to believe.
Satan has caused Christians to mock the death of Christ, while making them believe that they are honoring Him on His Birthday.
That's right!
The following videos will explain how!
Millions of Christians have followed suit, and religiously repeated the term, "Merry Christmas" to one another, and anyone they meet. It is a sneaky tactic of the devil. After all, the word "Christ" is present, but, have you stopped to consider that the word Christ-mas does not mean the "Birth of Christ", rather the "Death of Christ"?
How interesting, since Satan has you believing that you are celebrating the Nativity of Christ. How can one say, Merry Christmas, and Happy Nativity, to mean the same thing? Getting the picture?
This is a very important topic,by the way; since the Lord Himself said, that we would give an account to every word we have spoken on Judgment Day -Matthew 12:36-37
Please view this video, to get more understanding.
This Next Video depicts more about the Roman Catholic Mass, and the Term (Christmas)
This next video asks the question, Is it acceptable to blend, (mix) Paganism with Christianity? Is it acceptable to God, that is?
I ask; since God is Worthy of all Honor, Praise and Glory, shouldn't He have the right to tell us how He wants to be worshiped?
Thank you sincerely for watching and reading. May YHVH richly bless you, as you seek to honor Him. As you are led to, you may want to research more on this topic, and how paganism has crept into the Body of Christ. Please feel free to add your comments about this discussion. Again, YHVH God bless you! In our Blessed and Precious Lord and Savior Yahshua Ha Moshiach/Jesus Christ
YHVH bless you in your education endeavors. Thanks always for visiting. Your comments or questions are welcome. You may post them below.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
What Does God Say About Christmas?
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. As I watch everyone preparing for another holiday season, I felt prompted to create this post. The holiday, Christmas, is coming up, in just a couple of days.
Many Christians will gather, in their homes and churches, to celebrate what they believe to be the Lord's Birthday. Many other Christians know that December 25th is not the Lord's Birthday, but celebrate it anyway, because we have also been taught that God did not reveal Yahshua's Birthday to us, and He does not expect us to even honor His Birthday.
I will attempt to demonstrate that both of these assumptions are inaccurate. (May Ruach Ha Kodesh, Ruach Emet, [The Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth], open your eyes of understanding)
The Lord tells us that, He did not come to destroy the Law or the Books of the Prophets; rather, to fulfill it.(The word fulfill means to make it valid, to demonstrate it's accuracy, and to faithfully keep it).
Matthew 5:17-18
He also expects us to keep the Law, (His Commandments); not the way of the Heathen.
John 14:21 says:
21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
Yahshua's Commandments are the same commandments found in the Old Testament; the Law and the Prophets. (Many believe that the Lord has given us a new commandment, and has done away with the Law and the Prophets based on this following verse
John 13:34
34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Here, the Lord is simply giving them another command, not a new one; which is to love one another, as He loves us; to love each other unconditionally, according to God's Love and Forgiveness; loving and forgiving each other, with brotherly love
(This verse has nothing to do with the Lord changing the Old Testament Laws, or abolish the Books of the Prophets).
(Please note, I am not referring to the sacrificial laws, rather the Ten Commandments and the additional commands; God's judgments, statutes and precepts. Yahshua actually became our Sacrifice, so there is no longer need of animal sacrifices. See Hebrews 10)
The Apostle Paul reiterates what the Lord says, in Roman 12:10
10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
Getting back to the topic, What does God Say About Christmas; we will look at Jeremiah 10:2-4 once again. We will review the meaning of it, verse by verse.
for the heathen are dismayed at them.
(Do not utilize the Heavens to make for yourselves, horoscopes )
For the customs of the people are vain:
(For the ways of the Heathen are vain)for one cutteth a tree out of the forest,
the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
(They cut down trees out of the forest)
They deck it with silver and with gold;
(They decorate it with wreaths and trimmings of silver and gold)
they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
(They place it proudly, and articulately, in an upright position; securing it, so it will not fall).
Continuing on; God does not refer to Christmas, during Jeremiah's day, for at least (2), two reasons:
- Yahshua/Jesus Christ had not come into the World. Therefore, no one during Jeremiah's day would make mention of Him; accept when referring to the Prophecies of the Coming Messiah/King.
- Christmas is not a Biblical Holiday. It was implemented by the Catholic Church, as Rome worships the Sun. December 25th was the date chosen by the Roman Catholic Church to celebrate Yahshua's Birthday. But, initially, it was not the worship of the True Son, they incorporated. They actually worship the Italic god, Saturn, and the rebirth of the sun god.
I hope you will begin to see how God gave us the time, days, months and years, we live by and dwell in.
To read more, click here
So, there we have it; God's calendar, in a nutshell. This calendar was given to the Hebrews, but, as you can see, it was the very start of Creation.
Now, we get back to the Lord Yahsua's Birthday. How can we determine when the Lord's Birthday is? Well, Leviticus 23 contains the days that the Hebrews were to observe God's Holy/Feast Days/Festivals. (These Feast Days point to Yahshua, Whose Name literally means, Yah's Salvation, or the Salvation of Yah, (God).
Thus, the Feast Days point to the Birth, Death, and Resurrection of the Lord Yahshua, (our Salvation). I think the Birth of Messiah is a pretty important event, don't you? God certainly thought so, as it is included in the Scriptures.
The Feast of Tabernacles is an important time for Jewish people. It is the time when they remember how God delivered their ancestors from Egypt, and sheltered them. Jewish people are commanded to dwell in "Succoth" or "Booths", as a reminder that God is their shelter.
In New Testament Times, and Biblical Prophetic Times, we have come to acknowledge the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, as the Lord's Birthday. The Prophet Isaiah prophesied the coming of the Savior in Isaiah 7:14 14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. (God Is With Us).
And, during the Lord Yahshua's Second Advent, we recognize that He will return to Tabernacle with us once again.
Now that we've gotten this far, let's dig deeper. Here's some videos that I hope will shed some more light.
BT Daily: Was Jesus Really Born on December 25th
BT Daily: If Christ is NOT in Christmas...
Beyond Today: God's Holy Day Plan: Blueprint for Salvation
The Christmas Tree's Origin
YouTuber loveisgod7-Christmas Pagan Holiday Warning.
Did Early Christians Celebrate Christmas-I chose this video to share because it really sheds some light on the Origins of the Pagan Practices of the Roman Catholic Church, (How they introduced Christmas to the Church)
The next videos will show the True Birthday of our Messiah, (Blessed is He),
Yahshua/Jesus was born on Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles
This next video does a perfect job at explaining Why Sukkot, (The Feast of Tabernacles) is Yahshua's Birthday. (A Must See!)
Why Sukkot is Yeshua's Real Birthday
Now that we've found out that the Feast of Tabernacles, one of God's Holy Feast Days, is Yahshua's Birthday, I'd like to share with you, a Messianic calendar I've been using for years now. It can be found at Messianic.ws (Free to view and print)
It's a great, simplistic calendar that shows the Gregorian calendar, along with the Hebraic/Jewish Calendar. Remember, God's Feast Days are based off of the Hebrew Calendar. The Sabbath, New Moon, (Month-Rosh Chodesh), and Holy Feast Days are listed.
(Note: A little tip- The lines on the calendar show that God's day begins at sunset. I don't go by the 6pm Roman times or 12pm times to end the day, when celebrating the Feast Days. I check the sunset times, and go by that.
More References from Amazon
"Tree of Life" Art Calendar from Israel, Hebraic Roots, Biblical / Jewish calendars made in Israel for Christians and Messianic Believers
Prophetic Calendar: The Feasts of Israel
The Creator's Calendar
A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays
Disclaimer: The individual views of websites/video owners/creators, are not not necessarily the views of King's Kidz Messianic Homeschool. I have placed these links/videos, to share facts and information, pertaining to the matter at hand; in which, those I do agree. The respective information is the opinions of those whom information was created by.
Well, this completes our venture on discovering, "What does God Say About Christmas?"
I hope and pray that you have learned something, and that you will seek to follow the Holy Spirit's prompting to keep God's Feast Days, and disengage from pagan practices; from following the ways of the heathen.
For those who already knew this, I'm so glad. I would ask if you would like to share anything further? Please feel free to post your comments to share.
Everyone, I would love to hear from you.
YHVH bless you in your education endeavors. Thanks, always, for visiting. Your comments or questions are welcome. You may post them below.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
God's Feast Days: Yom Teruah-The Feast of Trumpets 2013
Here's more information on Yom Teruah; an excerpt from LightofMoshiach.org,
YHVH spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘In the seventh month on the first of the month you shall have a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. ‘You shall not do any laborious work, but you shall present an offering by fire to YHVH.’" Leviticus 23:23-25
*To find out which days are God's days/God's Calendar, check out this calendar from Messianic.ws
Yom Teruah begins a ten-day period leading up to the holiest day of YHVH's calendar, Yom Kippur -- the "Day Of Atonement." These ten days are called the 'Days of Awe' in modern Judaism. In fact, modern Judaism also includes the preceding month of Elul also as a time to prepare for the upcoming Fall moedim (appointed times). The sounding of the shofar on Yom Teruah is a wake-up blast -- a reminder that the time is near for the Day of Atonement. It is time to teshuvah (repent, turn back to YHVH). Traditionally, these ten days are ones of heart searching and self examination -- the shofar warns us we need to examine our lives and make amends with all those we have wronged in the previous year, and to ask forgiveness for any vows we may have broken. So a main theme of the Fall Holy Days is repentance.
The next video is a collaboration I put together last year, and wanted to share. Hope you enjoy!
YHVH bless you in your education endeavors. Thanks always for visiting. Your comments or questions are welcome. You may post them below.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
In the News: Pennsylvania may be the next state to allow Creationism discussion
Although Creationism will not be a required lesson in public schools, Pennsylvania is one of the states that has plans to open the topic up for discussion;
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Is Islam creeping into our schools?
A group of high school students were told by teacher to recite the pledge of allegiance weekly, during their multicultural group meetings.
What has the parents so riled up is: they were made to replace the term, "One Nation Under God" to "One Nation Under Allah".
Actually, I've been hearing isolated events similar to this one, for awhile now.
The question that's stirring up is, Is Islam creeping into American schools?
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
German Homeschool Family Prosecuted by U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Blog: Homeland Security Prosecutes German Homeschool Family
In Germany, homeschooling is considered a crime. A German family who sought asylum within the U.S., initially received it.
Then, the Department of Homeland Security overruled a federal judge's decision.
Read more, in the article above.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
South Dakota's Governor Signs Law Allowing Teachers To Arm Themselves
Guns In Classrooms: South Dakota Governor Signs Law Allowing Teachers To Arm Themselves http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/08/south-dakota-guns-classrooms-governor-law_n_2838129.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Autism Awareness Month: Father Song by Dez Childs
April is Autism Awareness Month. Hear this heart-felt song called the "Father Song" by Dez Childs. She made the song to share some of the challenges faced by families with children who have autism.
My personal relation to this song; I have a child, who is now a teen, who was diagnosed, at the age of 3, with autism. We have been through so many ups and downs, ever since. But I can say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, G-d has been so gracious and so merciful. We have seen Him work so many wonders in our son's life. Sometimes we don't receive miracles, but we always receive the Love and Care, we need, from a Loving and Faithful Heavenly Father. I truly know that He will never put more on us, than we can bear.
I hope this song will bless you, and give you inspiration. As more and more children are diagnosed with autism, I also join Dez Childs, in prayer to the Father, for them and their families, and others who are in their lives; for you all.
Are you a family touched by autism? Please feel free to share your questions or comments about autism, your struggles, your victories, whatever you like.
YHVH bless you in your education endeavors. Thanks always for visiting. Your comments or questions are welcome. You may post them below.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
German homeschoolers fighting for asylum in the United States
In Germany, homeschooling is illegal. Families can be fined or even sent to prison. Read the story of these brave families, as they fight for their rights, and their children's. And please remember them in your prayers.
German homeschoolers fight for asylum in US - Al Jazeera English
Saturday, March 9, 2013
U.N. Treaty could take away your parental rights
Oppose the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons- HSLDA
A proposed U.N. Treaty threatens the authority of parents of special needs children. If approved, the government, not the parents, would be able to decide what is best for our children.
Right now, if parents disagree with the government, they can refuse to comply. If the Treaty is signed, parents wouldn't have a choice.
The article contains more information, and what parents can do to oppose it.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Motivating Your Kids
My daughter is a special, strong-willed teen. I seem to pick teeth when it comes to just asking her to do something. But I've found it's also because she's so gifted. She's a right-brainer. She's always finding the need to create something.
So, each moment is a "homeschool lesson" for her. I wanted to get her motivated about exercising & taking care of herself more, so, I let her choose what activities she finds most interesting & engaging. Right now, I've been working out with her; playing Dance Central 3 for Xbox Kinnect. (The game is so much fun & there's all kinds of things that keep her interested & engaged). She absolutely loves it & she's staying healthy. (I also love the challenges because, they teach her how to set goals). And she earns rewards on the game, so they make her feel really accomplished).
Now, how do I get her motivated about personal hygiene? It's always a fight to get her to the shower. So, I turned it into a game. After exercising together, I go to my shower & she goes to hers. I set our mark, & then each of us has to run to gather our belongings, hop in the shower, then race to get dressed. We do this to see who finishes first. Then, she's usually hungry, so, I reward her with her favorite food.
You may be going through something similar. If you have any ideas on how to motivate your children, please feel free to share your comments. I hope my idea was a good example on how to motivate your children. Feel free to try it out. It can be used to get them to complete whatever you want them to. I feel I'm connecting with my child & that's what they really want.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Appalling Video: Mother Encourages Her Daughter to Fight Another Student
As a parent of 2 teens, I find this disturbing. These children are in high school. Basically, they are young adults. They should be learning how to finalize their training, in order to make their grand entrance/debut, in front of the adult world, and to be mentors and role models for children who are younger than they are. Instead, this is what these girls' parents are teaching their children today. I say these, because this mother is not alone. There are so many parents out there who display this type of behavior.
I just find it very disturbing. The mother has been brought up on child abuse and endangerment charges, and the school is also investigating. Now, the students and the parent are facing some big trouble. Allegedly, the two girls were fighting over some boy. (It really doesn't matter what the fight is about, though; violence is not the solution to any problem).
As you watch these videos, parents, please use this as a lesson. There are consequences for our actions, no matter how young or old, we may be. It seems that many of us haven't learned yet. And our children are the future. We are responsible for what we are teaching them.
For those who are teaching their children the "right way", I applaud you. It is hard for children and parents, as peer pressures arise for the children, and stresses and problems at work and home arise for the parents. But parents, dealing with it this way, only leads to more trouble, down the road; for both you, and your children.
Here's more about this story from Wavy News 10
YHVH bless you in your education endeavors. Thanks always for visiting. Your comments or questions are welcome. You may post them below.
Christ Our Passover
This week, millions will be celebrating Passover. Many will say, 'oh Passover, that Jewish holy day'. Well, what if I told you that...
As I was pondering on something that a few of my Facebook Friends and I had been talking about over the past few days, I was led today to a...
Many people will not understand this or agree with it, but please just open your hearts and mind to what the Spirit is saying. Y'shua o...
Hello to you all. I previously posted this topic back in 2011, and have now revised it. This week, we are celebrating "Passover Week...