Sunday, February 26, 2012

Homeschooling: One family tells why they chose it

Homeschooling: One family tells why they chose it

Photo from The Tines:

Here's an article I thought was worth sharing. Read why this family chooses to homeschool

YHVH bless you in your education endeavors. Thanks always for visiting. Your comments or questions are welcome. You may post them below.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

No Child Left Behind Waiver: Obama Gives Education Waivers to 10 States

Watch this YouTube Video from the Associated Press on "Obama Gives Education Waivers to 10 States". Tell me what you think. Post your comments below.

YHVH bless you in your education endeavors. Thanks always for visiting. Your comments or questions are welcome. You may post them below.

Christ Our Passover

This week, millions will be celebrating Passover. Many will say, 'oh Passover, that Jewish holy day'. Well, what if I told you that...